Ginny's husband, mom, brother, and daughter.
As you know, there are many reasons and people for who our team relays, but this year was extra special, we were a team relaying with a mission. This year the Yellowstone County Relay for Life was on July 8th, which was Ginny's birthday. She would have been 34 years old. 

This year's relay came with no small amount of emotion - it was as if we were right back to where we were last September as we were forced to say good bye. And yet it felt right. Finally, another day where the grief that sits so heavily on our hearts could be worn on the outside. Finally, another day where Ginny could absolutely be put to the forefront - celebrated, remembered. People expect you to move on and put the past behind you. But how do you do that with someone like Ginny? Such a beautiful soul - an angel on earth, Noah called her. 

Perhaps because of all this our team managed to not only meet our goal for this year's Relay event, but we surpassed it by $400. Our team received not a little bit of recognition from KULR-8 either (go to, In the News). Kara was interviewed and spoke with them on camera twice as did Ginny and Glen's sweet Cassidy. (She was incredible, by the way). 

Yes, the 2011 Relay for Life was a bittersweet event, a million little moments that are etched on our hearts forever. Thanks for your support.